To request an umpire, please fill out the contact form below. Please ensure that you have secured the field with the fields allocator prior to booking umpires. We require 24 hours notice to book an umpire.

Please enter your name.
Please enter a subject.
Please enter a valid phone number.
Please enter a message.
You must accept the Terms and Conditions.


Please enter your name.
Please enter a subject.
Please enter a message.
You must accept the Terms and Conditions.


  • Umpires are frequently children, and most are learning how to umpire. They deserve the respect and cooperation of all coaches, players and parents. NLBB has a zero tolerance towards abuse of our umpires. Please remember that these children live within our community, and in some cases, attend the same school as your child. 
  • Umpires are required to arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of a game.
  • Umpires require 1.25 hours notice if a game is rained out or cancelled. If they are not given sufficient notice, they will need to be paid by the home team.
  • Umpire equipment is located at the Zarrelli tower or in the Green Box by the WGS diamond.  It is the responsibility of the umpire to return the equipment to its proper place in the bin when the game is finished. Any broken equipment should be reported to the Equipment Manager.
  • Coaches, players and parents are not to try to influence an umpire BEFORE their call is made.
  • Once the game has started the umpire will have complete charge of the game, and all their decisions on judgement plays will be FINAL. The home plate umpire can reverse a base umpire call only if the base umpire misinterprets a rule, not on a judgement call.
  • Coaches may approach an umpire to clarify rule interpretations only.
  • All ejections are to be reported to the Umpire-in-Chief and a proper report filled out and filed with BCBUA.
  • Coaches are to make notes on umpire performances (both plate and field) and forward to the Umpire-In-Chief or Umpire Allocator with any pointers that can help their future games.
  • The Umpire-in-Chief or Umpire Allocator has the authority to suspend an umpire from any further umpiring jobs if they miss two games without notification.



11U 40.0035.00
13U 55.0050.00
15U 70.0065.00
18U 85.0080.00

Do you have questions regarding scheduling umpires, please contact our Umpire scheduler through email at

Our co-UIC's are Bryce Dobbs-Cox and Mike Burwell.  Please direct any questions or comments regarding umpires (i.e. becoming an umpire) by email: